Thy hand, O God, has guided

    Edward Hayes Plumptre (1821-1891)

    Thy hand, O God, has guided
    thy flock, from age to age;
    their wondrous tale is written,
    full clear, on every page;
    our fathers owned thy goodness,
    and we their deeds record;
    and both of this bear witness;
    one Church, one faith, one Lord.

    Thy heralds brought glad tidings
    to greatest as to least;
    they bade men rise, and hasten
    to share the great King's feast;
    and this was all their teaching,
    in every deed and word,
    to all alike proclaiming
    one Church, one faith, one Lord.

    When shadows thick were falling,
    and all seemed sunk in night,
    thou, Lord, didst send thy servants,
    thy chosen sons of light,
    on them and on thy people
    thy plenteous grace was poured,
    and this was still their message:
    one Church, one faith, one Lord.

    Through many a day of darkness,
    through many a scene of strife,
    the faithful few fought bravely,
    to guard the nation's life.
    Their gospel of redemption,
    sin pardoned, man restored,
    was all in this enfolded:
    one Church, one faith, one Lord.

    And we, shall we be faithless?
    Shall hearts fail, hands hang down?
    shall we evade the conflict,
    and cast away our crown?
    Not so: in God's deep counsels
    some better thing is stored;
    we will maintain, unflinching,
    one Church, one faith, one Lord.

    Thy mercy will not fail us,
    nor leave thy work undone;
    with thy right hand to help us,
    thy victory shall be won;
    And then, by men and angels,
    thy name shall be adored,
    and this shall be their anthem:
    one Church, one faith, one Lord.

    Thy Way, Not Mine, O Lord

    Horatius Bonar (1808-1889)

    Thy way, not mine, O Lord,
    However dark it be!
    Lead me by Thine own hand,
    Choose out the path for me.
    Smooth let it be or rough,
    It will be still the best,
    Winding or straight, it leads
    Right onward to Thy rest.

    I dare not choose my lot;
    I would not, if I might:
    Choose Thou for me, my God;
    So shall I walk aright.
    The kingdom that I seek
    Is Thine; so let the way
    That leads to it be Thine,
    Else I must surely stray.

    Take Thou my cup, and it
    With joy or sorrow fill
    As best to Thee may seem;
    Choose Thou my good and ill.
    Not mine, not mine the choice
    In things or great or small;
    Be Thou my Guide, my Strength,
    My Wisdom, and my All.

    To God Be The Glory, Great Things He Has Done

    Frances Jane van Alstyne (Fanny Crosby) (1820-1915)

    To God be the glory, great things he has done!
    So loved he the world that he gave us his Son,
    Who yielded his life in atonement for sin,
    Who opened the life-gate that all may go in:
    Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!
    Let the earth hear his voice!
    Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!
    Let the people rejoice!
    O come to the Father, through Jesus the Son;
    And give him the glory-great things he has done!

    O perfect redemption, the purchase of blood,
    To every believer the promise of God!
    And every offender who truly believes,
    That moment from Jesus a pardon receives:

    Great things he has taught us, great things he has done,
    And great our rejoicing through Jesus the Son;
    But purer, and higher, and greater will be
    Our wonder, our rapture, when Jesus we see:

    To God Who Makes All Lovely Things

    John M C Crum (1872-1958)

    To God who makes all lovely things
    how happy must our praises be!
    Each day a new surprise He brings
    to make us glad His world to see.

    How plentiful must be the mines
    from which He gives His gold away;
    in March He gives us celandines,
    He gives us buttercups in May.

    He grows the wheat and never stops;
    there's none can count the blades of green;
    and up among the high tree-tops
    as many thousand leaves are seen.

    And when the wheat is bound in sheaves
    He sends His wind among the trees,
    and down come all the merry leaves
    in yellow-twinkling companies.

    On winter nights His quiet flakes
    Come falling, falling all the night,
    and when the world next morning wakes
    it finds itself all shining white.

    He makes the sea that shines afar
    with waves that dance unceasingly;
    and every single little star
    that twinkles in the evening sky.

    7He made the people that I meet,
    the many people, great and small,
    in home and school, and down the street,
    and he made me to love them all.

    Walk In The light, Walk In The Light

    Damian Lundy (1940-1997)

    The Spirit lives to set us free,
    walk, walk in the light.
    He binds us all in unity,
    walk, walk in the light.
    Walk in the light, walk in the light,
    walk in the light, walk in the light of the Lord

    Jesus promised life to all,
    walk, walk in the light.
    The dead were wakened by his call,
    walk, walk in the light.

    He died in pain on Calvary,
    walk, walk in the light,
    to save the lost like you and me,
    walk, walk in the light.

    We know his death was not the end,
    walk, walk in the light.
    He gave his Spirit to be our friend,
    walk, walk in the light.

    By Jesus' love our wounds are healed,
    walk, walk in the light.
    The Father's kindness is revealed,
    walk, walk in the light.

    The Spirit lives in you and me,
    walk, walk in the light.
    His light will shine for all to see,
    walk, walk in the light.

    Walk With Me, O My Lord

    Estelle White (b. 1925)

    Walk with me, O my Lord,
    through the darkest night and brightest day.
    Be at my side, O Lord,
    hold my hand and guide me on my way.
    1Sometimes the road seems long,
    my energy is spent.
    Then, Lord, I think of you
    and I am given strength.

    Stones often bar my path
    and there are times I fall,
    but you are always there
    to help me when I call.

    Just as you calmed the wind
    and walked upon the sea,
    conquer, my living Lord,
    the storms that threaten me.

    Help me to pierce the mists
    that cloud my heart and mind,
    so that I shall not fear
    the steepest mountain-side.

    As once you healed the lame
    and gave sight to the blind,
    help me when I'm downcast
    to hold my head up high.

    We Love The Place, O God

    William Bullock (1787-1874), Henry Williams Baker (1821-1877)

    We love the place, O God,
    wherein thine honour dwells;
    the joy of thine abode
    all earthly joy excels.

    We love the house of prayer,
    wherein thy servants meet;
    and thou, O Lord, art there
    thy chosen flock to greet.

    We love the sacred font;
    for there the holy Dove
    to pour is ever wont
    his blessing from above.

    We love thine altar, Lord;
    O what on earth so dear?
    for there, in faith adored,
    we find thy presence near.

    We love the word of life,
    the word that tells of peace,
    of comfort in the strife,
    and joys that never cease.

    We love to sing below
    for mercies freely given;
    but O, we long to know
    the triumph-song of heaven.
    7Lord Jesus, give us grace
    on earth to love thee more,
    in heaven to see thy face,
    and with thy saints adore

    We Plough The Fields, And Scatter

    Jane Montgomery Campbell (1817 – 1878)

    We plough the fields, and scatter
    the good seed on the land,
    but it is fed and watered
    by God’s almighty hand;
    He sends the snow in winter,
    the warmth to swell the grain,
    the breezes and the sunshine,
    and soft refreshing rain:

    All good gifts around us
    are sent from heaven above,
    then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord,
    for all his love.

    He only is the maker
    of all things near and far;
    He paints the wayside flower,
    He lights the evening star;
    the winds and waves obey him,
    by him the birds are fed;
    much more to us, his children,
    He gives our daily bread:


    We thank thee then, O Father,
    for all things bright and good;
    the seed-time and the harvest,
    our life, our health, our food.
    No gifts have we to offer
    for all thy love imparts,
    but that which thou desirest,
    our humble, thankful hearts:


    We Rest On Thee', Our Shield And Our Defender

    Edith A G Cherry (1872-1897)

    We rest on Thee', our Shield and our Defender!
    We go not forth alone against the foe;
    Strong in Thy strength, safe in Thy keeping tender,
    'We rest on Thee, and in Thy name we go.'
    Strong in Thy strength, safe in Thy keeping tender,
    'We rest on Thee, and in Thy Name we go.'

    Yes, 'in Thy name', O Captain of salvation!
    In Thy dear Name, all other names above;
    Jesus our Righteousness, our sure Foundation,
    Our Prince of glory and our King of love.
    Jesus our Righteousness, our sure Foundation,
    Our Prince of glory and our King of Love.

    We go in faith, our own great weakness feeling,
    And needing more each day Thy grace to know:
    Yet from our hearts a song of triumph pealing;
    'We rest on Thee, and in Thy name we go.'
    Yet from our hearts a song of triumph pealing;
    'We rest on Thee, and in Thy Name we go.'

    We rest on Thee', -our Shield and our Defender!
    Thine is the battle, Thine shall be the praise;
    When passing through the gates of pearly splendour,
    Victors, we rest with Thee, through endless days.
    When passing through the gates of pearly splendour,
    Victors, we rest with Thee, through endless days.

    We Sing The Praise Of Him Who Died

    Thomas Kelly (1769-1855)

    We sing the praise of him who died,
    of him who died upon the cross;
    the sinner's hope let men deride,
    for this we count the world but loss.

    Inscribed upon the cross we see
    in shining letters, 'God is love;'
    he bears our sins upon the tree;
    he brings us mercy from above.

    The Cross! it takes our guilt away:
    it holds the fainting spirit up;
    it cheers with hope the gloomy day,
    and sweetens every bitter cup.

    It makes the coward spirit brave,
    and nerves the feeble arm for fight;
    it takes its terror from the grave,
    and gilds the bed of death with light:

    The balm of life, the cure of woe,
    the measure and the pledge of love,
    the sinner's refuge here below,
    the angels' theme in heaven above.

    We three kings of Orient are

    John Henry Hopkins (1820-1891)

    The Kings
    We three kings of Orient are;
    bearing gifts we traverse afar
    field and fountain, moor and mountain,
    following yonder star:
    O star of wonder, star of night,
    star with royal beauty bright,
    westward leading, still proceeding,
    guide us to thy perfect light.

    2Born a king on Bethlehem plain,
    gold I bring, to crown him again-
    King for ever, ceasing never,
    over us all to reign:

    3Frankincense to offer have I;
    incense owns a deity nigh:
    prayer and praising, all men raising,
    worship him, God most high:

    4Myrrh is mine; its bitter perfume
    breathes a life of gathering gloom;
    sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying,
    sealed in the stone-cold tomb:

    5Glorious now, behold him arise,
    King and God, and sacrifice!
    heaven sings alleluia,
    alleluia the earth replies:

    What A Friend We Have In Jesus

    Joseph Medlicott Scriven (1819 – 1886)

    What a friend we have in Jesus,
    all our sins and grief to bear!
    What a privilege to carry
    everything to God in prayer!
    O what peace we often forfeit,
    O what needless pain we bear;
    all because we do not carry
    everything to God in prayer!

    Have we trials and temptations?
    Is there trouble anywhere?
    We should never be discouraged:
    Take it to the Lord in prayer!
    Can we find a friend so faithful,
    who will all our sorrows share?
    Jesus knows our every weakness;
    take it to the Lord in prayer!

    Are we weak and heavy laden,
    cumbered with a load of care?
    Precious Saviour still our refuge,
    take it to the Lord in prayer!
    Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
    Take it to the Lord in prayer!
    In His arms He’ll take and shield thee,
    thou wilt find a solace there.

    What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus

    What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus,
    What a wonderful Friend is He,
    For he left all the glory of heaven,
    Came to earth to die on Calvary:
    Sing Hosanna! Sing Hosanna!
    Sing Hosanna to the King of Kings!
    Sing Hosanna! Sing Hosanna!
    Sing Hosanna to the King.

    He arose from the grave, Hallelujah,
    And He lives never more to die,
    At the Father's right hand interceding
    He will hear and heed our faintest cry.

    He is coming some day to receive us,
    We'll be caught up to Heaven above,
    What a joy it will be to behold Him,
    Sing forever of His grace and love.

    Whatsoever You Do To The Least Of My Brothers

    Willard F Jabusch (born 1930)

    Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers,
    that you do unto me.
    When I was hungry you gave me to eat.
    When I was thirsty you gave me to drink.
    Now enter into the home of my Father.

    When I was homeless you opened your door.
    When I was naked you gave me your coat.
    Now enter into the home of my Father.

    When I was weary you helped me find rest.
    When I was anxious you calmed all my fears.
    Now enter into the home of my Father.

    When in a prison you came to my cell,
    When on a sick bed you cared for my needs.
    Now enter into the home of my Father.

    Hurt in a battle you bound up my wounds.
    Searching for kindness you held out your hands.
    Now enter into the home of my Father.

    When I was aged you bothered to smile.
    When I was restless you listened and cared.
    Now enter into the home of my Father.

    7When I was laughed at you stood by my side.
    When I was happy you shared in my joy.
    Now enter into the home of my Father.

    When A Knight Won His Spurs, In The Stories Of Old

    Jan Struther (1901-1953)

    When a knight won his spurs, in the stories of old,
    He was gentle and brave, he was gallant and bold;
    With a shield on his arm and a lance in his hand
    For God and for valour he rode through the land.

    No charger have I, and no sword by my side,
    Yet still to adventure and battle I ride,
    Though back into storyland giants have fled,
    And the knights are no more and the dragons are dead.

    Let faith be my shield and let joy be my steed
    'Gainst the dragons of anger, the ogres of greed;
    And let me set free, with the sword of my youth,
    From the castle of darkness the power of the truth.

    When All My Labours And Trials Are O'er

    Charles H Gabriel (Charlotte G Homer) (1856-1932)

    When all my labours and trials are o'er,
    And I am safe on that beautiful shore,
    Just to be near the dear Lord I adore
    Will thro' the ages be glory for me.
    O that will be glory for me!
    Glory for me, glory for me,
    When by His grace I shall look on His face,
    That will be glory, be glory for me.

    When by the gift of His infinite grace
    I am accorded in Heaven a place,
    Just to be there and to look on His face
    Will through the ages be glory for me.

    Friends will be there I have loved long ago;
    Joy like a river around me will flow;
    Yet, just a smile from my Saviour, I know,
    Will through the ages be glory for me.

    When He Cometh, When He Cometh

    William O Cushing (1823-1902)

    When he cometh, when He cometh,
    To make up His jewels,
    All His jewels, precious jewels,
    His loved and His own -
    Like the stars of the morning,
    His bright crown adorning,
    They shall shine in their beauty
    Bright gems for His crown.

    He will gather, he will gather
    The gems for His kingdom;
    All the pure ones, all the bright ones,
    His loved and His own -

    Little children, little children
    Who love their Redeemer,
    Are His jewels, precious jewels,
    His loved and His own -

    When I am Lone

    When I am lone, and none there is to cheer me; When skies above are dark with clouds so grey, In deep despair I seek a place for comfort – A hand to guide, a voice to cheer; Then doth my soul cry out for one to hearken; And in the night a call I hear.

    In days of yore that voice has oft repeated A call that made me follow Christ always – But worldly passions, self and sinful pleasures, Brought gloom and sorrow o’er my way; Yet still the Saviour waits for my returning, Help me O Lord Thy will obey.

    There is a voice, so true, so kind, so tender, The call of Jesus, Friend of friends is He: To Him I come, accepting his salvation, For He will pardon and forgive; No other one there is to lift my burden; O Lord of life, for Thee I’ll live.

    When I Needed A Neighbour

    Sydney Carter (1915-2004)

    When I needed a neighbour were you there, were you there?
    When I needed a neighbour were you there?
    And the creed and the colour and the name won't matter,
    Were you there?

    I was hungry and thirsty, were you there, were you there?
    I was hungry and thirsty, were you there?

    I was cold, I was naked, were you there, were you there?
    I was cold, I was naked, were you there?

    When I needed a shelter were you there, were you there?
    When I needed a shelter were you there?

    When I needed a healer were you there, were you there?
    When I needed a healer were you there?

    Wherever you travel I'll be there, I'll be there,
    Wherever you travel I'll be there.
    And the creed and the colour and the name won't matter,
    I'll be there.

    When I Survey The Wondrous Cross

    Isaac Watts (1674-1748)

    When I survey the wondrous cross
    on which the prince of glory died,
    my richest gain I count but loss,
    and pour contempt on all my pride.

    Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast
    save in the cross of Christ my God;
    the very things that charm me most,
    I sacrifice them to his blood.

    See from his head, his hands, his feet,
    sorrow and love flow mingled down:
    did e'er such love and sorrow meet,
    or thorns compose so rich a crown?

    His dying crimson, like a robe,
    spreads o'er his body on the tree;
    then am I dead to all the globe,
    and all the globe is dead to me.

    We’re the whole realm of nature mine,
    that were an offering far too small;
    love so amazing, so divine,
    demands my soul, my life, my all.

First Funerals